Sometimes I wish I could say
but in reality, I know that my old me will be with me forever. I'll always be the same person and sadly -or happily-, I can't remove my past from my memories. So I try to start all over again, new stuff, new places, new mind, try to be my best version of me, but it's so exhausting. So most of my friends say 'Be yourself, wherever you go, they'll like you or hate you for who you are' Yeah,
The truth is that I'm trying to obey them to test that way of living. My old life was so messes up, so I started all over, with new thoughts, new mind, freedom and faith, anyway the wind takes me.
Yeah, I have fear of my mind yet. I'm scared of it, if it domains all my body, my feelings, my soul. I can't take it off. It's horrible. Sometimes I feel like I'm not living at all, like I'm a machine. So I know I can succeed, but I'm afraid that my head puts beetween all and don't leave me try something.
said a lot of people, and maybe they're right.
Yeah, sure it is in all of it's aspects. But it's hard. For everyone. I got tired one time, I had -and present, have- no inspiration. I don't know what music to hear, which movie to see, which story write or worst, which book to read. I don't know, maybe I want to read and watch all of them and I can't, so I do anything. I was kinda lost, but I promise
I don't know how to start a new life with a perfect and white paper to write. Don't know if it's possible to drow all your past. I don't know if it's fair. But I'm pretty sure most of our present scars are because
If you ignore them, they dissapear.
Trust me, never make of my words a law. Make your own ideas, came of your feelings and thoughts. I'm unsecure, but because I learned to doubt of everything 'cause when you doubt, you ask if things are going right, and you can fix them, make it better. If you don't doubt you can be a fool who thinks he's god, and he's just a human. So doubt and trust in periods to walk and make a better way.
said some people. I believed in everythin of other people, what I could see and what I couldn't. Maybe I was kinda blind? Now I trust in something: in time, in destiny, in making your/my way, in you, in me, in life, in love, in energy and power. This is not a biography or a text about how you should act. I tried to explain you how I feel and what I've learned, but you make your own way, you can take what people say or not. Nothing and nobody escapes from what life has prepared for you. The only thing you can do is be. 

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